a 57 yr old male with altered sensorium secondary to alcohol intoxication with hypokalemia

A  57 Yr old male patient presented to the casualty with chief complaints of slurred speech, right upper limb and lower limb weakness and altered sensorium since 1 day 


Patient was apparently asymptomatic before 1 day and then the slurring of speech, weakness and altered sensorium developed which were sudden in onset and gradual in progression

Patient is a Shepherd by occupation and when he was with the animals in the evening, he collapsed suddenly after which he developed the weakness of his right upper and lower limbs. Initially after the collapse the patient was able to talk normally and was able to recognise individuals, but by night he developed slurring of speech and by the time he was brought to hospital he jad altered sensorium.

There is no H/O LOC, no ENT bleed
No H//O fever, burning micturition, loose stools
No H/O sob, palpitations, orthopnea, PND

Daily routine :-
Wakes up at 8am, he takes rice as his breakfast at 9 am and takes food along with him for lunch and goes to work at 10 am
1 pm lunch
5 pm back from work
5 to 8 snack stuff and bathing
8 pm dinner
9 pm sleep


Not a known case of DM,HTN,Epilepsy,TB and coronary artery disease.
There is history of amputation of the ring finger of right hand, due to trauma occurred during the time when he was working as a farmer 1 year back


Diet - mixed
Appetite - normal
sleep - adequate
Bowel and Bladder movements - regular
Addictions - Consumes saara since past 20 years, 2 - 3 glasses every day
Smokes a pack of beedi everyday, each pack contains 20 beedis


No significant drug history


No significant family history


Patient is conscious , incoherent ,incooperative
at the time of examination

He is examined in a well lit room, with consent taken.

He is moderately built and well nourished.

Pallor - absent

Icterus - absent

Cyanosis - absent 

Clubbing - absent

lymphadenopathy - absent

Pedal edema - absent

Vitals :

Temperature - Afebrile

Pulse rate - 90 bpm

Respiratory rate - 19 cpm

Blood pressure - 90/60 mmHg

SpO2 - 98% on Room air

GRBS - 113 mg/dl


CVS :- S1 and S2 heart sounds heard
           NO murmurs and thrills

RESPIRATORY SYSTEM :- Bilateral air entry present position of trachea - central Vesicular breathsounds heard

CNS :- 

Orientation - 0/5, 0/5
Registration - 0/3
Recall - 0/3
Attention A Calculation - 0/5
Language - 0/2


1. CN
Sence of Smell - N

2. CN
visual acuity - N

3,4,6 CN
EOM movement - could not perform
Pupil size - 2, 3 mm
Direct light reflex/consensual light reflex/accommodation reflex - present, present
Ptosis - absent, absent
Nystagmus - absent, absent

5 CN
Sensory over face & buccal mucosa - N, N
Motor - masseter, Temporalis, pterigoids - N, N
Reflexes - Corneal,Conjunctival - N, N

7 CN
Nasolabial fold - equal on both sides
Occipito frontalis - equal on both sides
Orbicularis oculi - equal on both sides
Orbicular oris - equal on both sides
Buccinator - equal on both sides

Taste over anterior two third of tongue - cant be performed

8 CN - could not perform
Rinnes test
Webers test

9, 10 CN -
Uvula palatal arches movements - N, N
Gag reflex - N
palatal reflex - N

11 CN - could not be elicited

12 CN
wasting - no
Fasciculations - no
Tongue protrusion to midline - midline

MOTOR SYSTEM EXAMINATION :- could not be performed

Power - could not be performed 

Trunk muscles - rolling over bed cannot br performed

Superficial reflexes -
Corneal - N, N
Conjunctival - N, N
Abdominal - N, N

Deep Tendon reflexes -
Biceps - 
R- 2+; L - 1+
Triceps -
R- 2+; L - 1+
Supinator -
R- 1+; L - 1+
Knee -
R- 1+; L - 1+
Ankle -
R- 0; L - 0

Cerebellar examination - could not be performed


Sensory System examination - could not be performed

Gait could not be done

involuntary movments - absent

uprolling of eyes - absent

involuntary micturition - absent

involuntary passage of stools - absent

frothing over mouth - absent

Examination of spine - normal

ABDOMEN :- Soft and non tender
            No palpable masses
            Bowel sounds heard 
            No organomegaly


RFT :-
urea - 18
Creat - 1.3
UA - 5.5
Ca - 8.9
P - 2.5
Na - 134
K - 3.6
Cl - 98

LFT :-
TB - 1.81
DB - 0.51
SGOT - 15
SGPT - 8
AIP - 165
TP - 5.7
albumin - 3.04
A/G - 1.14

CUE :-
albumin - nil
Sugar - nil
Pus cells - 2,3
Epithelial cells - 2,3

ABG - 5/8/23
Ph - 7.36
pCO2 - 52.5
pO2 - 22.5
HCO3 - 22.5
O2 - 87.5

ULTRASOUND - impression -
Right renal calculi
Grade 1 RPD changes in right kidney
Grade 1 fatty liver



1.IVF fluids 2 units ns, @50ml/hr
2.INJ. KCL 2 amp, 40 meq in 500 ml ns in 4 hrs
3.INJ. THIAMINE IN 200 mg in 100 ml ns IV/BD
4.INJ. OPTINEURON in 100ml ns IV/OD
5.vitals monitoring 2 hrly, BP, PR, TEMP


Altered sensorium secondary to alcohol intoxication with hypokalemia


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